- Get a few hours of much-needed rest and sleep
- Be well rested, enabling you to recover more quickly during the post-delivery period
- Have an extra set of hands to help with all of the daily and nightly demands of those first few weeks and we can help you
Extended Infant Care continues to be, as it has been for many years, 'our specialty', both here in Dallas and throughout the country. Through this service, we are able to provide concentrated time to many families preferring or needing more complete in-home care, as soon as baby comes home.
You will find the newborn care specialists available to Baby Coming Home to be quite unique in the baby care services we provide. While being fully experienced and knowledgeable in new and updated methods and philosophies of infant care, their emphasis on getting back to basics, and back to common sense, brings a refreshing difference to the baby care field.
The Extended Infant Care we provide is designed to provide care for your newborn for extended hours daily, over an agreed-upon number of days or weeks. Not only do you get much-needed rest and sleep, we also share with you our secrets to getting you and baby off to a great start. This is a perfect solution for moms needing competent and caring help with their newborns.
Our in-home Extended Infant Care can be a tremendous support for you during those first exciting, but often challenging days and weeks. It can take a huge weight off your shoulders regarding the care of your newborn.

Is Baby Coming Home For My Family?
Read below for more information on how you and your family can determine if our services at Baby Coming Home are right for you.
- Are you looking for some expert and gentle hands-on help after your delivery?
- Are you concerned about sleep deprivation those first few days and weeks, and would like overnight care for your newborn?
- Would you like some assistance with your breastfeeding concerns?
- Is getting your baby on the fast track to a good feeding and sleeping schedule an important priority for you?
- Would you like help with developing new parenting skills, as we walk alongside you?
- Are you looking for a newborn care specialist to assist you with the care of your baby in your home for an extended period of time?
- Are you confused as to which is the best approach and philosophy for getting your baby/babies off to a good start? Have the many contradictory books and advice touted by the 'experts' only contributed more to your confusion?
- Are you ready for some back-to-basics, common sense, practical advice on caring for your little one?
- Would you like to feel better prepared for the arrival of your newborn, to care for him/her?
- Would you like to develop a new confidence, understanding, and enhanced care-giving skills?
Extended Infant Care Includes:
- Personal, intense care for mom and baby, from 10-14 hours daily, over a period of 1-4 weeks, or more.
- Hands-on help to quickly cultivate optimal feeding & sleeping patterns of baby.
- Enhanced, "in-home" troubleshooting of baby's difficulties.
- Overnight care to provide you with needed rest and sleep.
Before Your Baby Comes Home, BCH Can Assist You With:
- Equipping and arranging your home and nursery for the arrival of your newborn.
- Helpful lists of the basic general supplies you will need to take care of baby, plus some practical resource guides that will help you get ready.
- Criteria for a wholesome prenatal diet, for a healthy pregnancy, including natural and organic tips.
- Knowing what is in store for you during your hospital stay, and how you can make your preferences and choices known to the staff from the first day of your stay.
After Your Baby Comes Home,
Baby Coming Home Helps You With:
- Making the change from the hospital to the home; and anticipating what to expect those first few days.
- Help for mothers recovering from delivery difficulties and C-Sections.
- Teaching you the skills you will need to meet all of the needs of your baby.
- Recommendations for establishing the sleeping and feeding schedules of baby.
- Key guidelines for diet and lifestyle, for the best possible breastfeeding.
- Practical lactation assistance, including help with the best positioning for a good latch.
- Guidelines for bottle/formula feeding.
- Suggestions about how organic formula, skin care, and laundry products can help your baby.
- Monitoring the weight of the baby.
- Help with navigating the stress that often occurs among family members, as they adjust to the baby's new role in their lives.
- Common sense approaches to newborn care you can use.
- Turning misconceptions into common sense understanding - removing the confusion that stems from so much conflicting opinions.
- Helping you filter through overwhelming newborn information, current baby fads, and conflictive advice
- Helping you shed the guilt that comes from misplaced expectations you may have at the outset.
- Adapting to your philosophy, not imposing our way on you
- On-sight troubleshooting of your baby's difficulties.
- Equipping you to take care of your baby, once we leave
- Other vital and beneficial skills
Unique Extended Care Available for Multiples:
BCH helps you with:
- Teams of Newborn Care Specialists and Night Nannies available for twins and triplets that require around-the-clock care.
- Team care available for several weeks and months at a time.

A newborn care specialist provides the best qualities, experience, training, and knowledge available. She can work with the family she is with for an extended time, focusing on both the mother and the baby, and on what will best help the family in adjusting to the new addition in the family. She has the capability to impart her skills and knowledge to the mother she is working with, enabling her to become more expert in her own mothering abilities. Though she is well trained and knowledgeable, she realizes she is a gentle guide; never an authority figure, demanding that the family do it 'her' way. She shows and teaches by example, being sensitive to the wishes of the mother.
The newborn care specialist focuses in not only on the baby, but the parent's needs and goals; they are more like gentle guides, setting out a plan to attain those goals that each family wants to attain to in the developmental stages of their child. And, as a 'trainer', they are continually updating the 'plan' as the weeks go by, adapting to the baby's changing needs and development, and to those of the parents.
Flexible Scheduling to Suit your Needs
Our newborn care specialists generally work 10 to 14 hour shifts, according to the needs of the mom. The shift can either be days or nights, most mothers preferring help during the night shift, so they can get some much needed rest.
We ask a one-week minimum of our clients, and can work as long as 2, 3, or 4 weeks, depending on what our other scheduling commitments permit.
The length of time Baby Coming Home’s newborn care specialists can work with your family depends on their availability, as well as your needs. Many times, a night nanny is scheduled after the first few weeks, as the optimal training and skills of the newborn care specialist are no longer required, and can be a means of economizing the care-giving expenses.
If you need more than 14 hours care daily, then a second caregiver can be scheduled, to share the load.
Options if your baby is born early, or premature:
When you book one of our newborn care specialists, we automatically build in a "10-day early" possibility. If you have had other children born early, or have a high-risk pregnancy, we assign a back-up person who will cover you until your original person is available. As you know, it is impossible to predict ahead of time if a baby will be premature. As your pregnancy advances, your physician or midwife will give you updates on your progress. Always keep us informed, so that we can make the necessary adjustments.
If your baby is premature, and needs to be hospitalized for a few days or weeks, then Baby Coming Home will do everything possible to provide care for your little one, when he comes home, though to get started it may be with a different newborn care specialist, due the scheduling changes occasioned by the early birth.
We will always do our best to make sure you have the help you need.
Experienced Care for Twins and Triplets
We also provide 24/7 care. Using teams of three Newborn Care Specialists and Night Nannies, we are able to provide you with complete coverage for several weeks at a time, if you book early.

We are almost always fully booked many months in advance, and many times must place "late callers," or who call at the last minute, on a waiting list. However, from time to time, certain unplanned circumstances free up previously booked dates, and we are able to provide our services for a few of those who have been on our waiting list.

Due to tight and advanced scheduling, newborn care specialists generally are unable to stay longer than the days or weeks originally scheduled, or work additional days weekly. The time to ask for longer extended care is the time when the original registration is made.
For health and well-being reasons, and to assure optimal care, they cannot work beyond the 14 hours-a-day limit. If you need more time daily, Baby Coming Home can provide a second well-suited caregiver, to undertake the care of your newborn as a team.
When there is availability, a second “B Team” of night nannies can be provided, if you find you need further care for your newborn than you originally booked.
How to Book Services with Baby Coming Home
You may contact Baby Coming Home via our telephone voice mail or e-mail address with your information, and we will contact you within 2 or 3 days. Please include your personal information and a description of the services you are needing.
A verbal agreement and commitment on the dates, rates, and payment has always worked quite well for us. No contract agreements or deposits are necessary.
For payment information, visit our Payments page
Pricing is determined by the kind of service you choose:
A $375 registration fee should be paid...
- Just after the booking has been made, to reserve the baby care dates requested
- After the dates have been agreed to by Baby Coming Home, to assure the availability of a Newborn Care Specialist or night nanny. (Please do not pay the registration fee before the dates have been set.)
- The registration fee is non-refundable

Once the arrangements have been made with BCH, click here to Pay Registration Fee.
Reserve your BabyComingHome Extended Infant Care today.*
Contact us by phone or e-mail to schedule Extended Infant Care or click here to contact us via our online form.