Baby Coming Home offers you an alternative.

Can you use our quick, short visits, tailored to fit your family’s immediate needs and budget?
Baby Coming Home can provide you with personalized visits in your home, to help you get started with your newborn, to help troubleshoot different issues that have come up, and to bring clear solutions.

sk yourself:
- Are you needing an experienced and knowledgeable resource person to walk you through difficulties you may be encountering with your newborn?
- Are you disconcerted by all the contradictory information and advice you have received, concerned that it is not working well for you, now that you are home alone with baby?
- Do you feel uncertain as to how to effectively schedule feeding and sleeping routines for your little one?
- Do you need tips and assistance for successful breastfeeding?
- Have you felt the need to make some changes in the way you are caring for your newborn, but are unsure just what needs to be changed?

efore baby comes home, we help with:
- Suggestions for getting the nursery and home ready for the new addition to your family.
- Some general lists of baby and nursery supplies you will be needing, and suggestions of some practical resources to aid you in the care of your baby.
- Helping to prepare you for the hospital experience, including important tips to make the hospital visit go more smoothly for you and your newborn.
- Assistance with your transition from hospital to home, with those first few days of adjustment.

overing the critical topics/milestones after baby comes home, we help with:
- Providing in-home troubleshooting of challenges or difficulties you and your baby may be encountering.
- Developing the hands-on skills you need to care for all of the daily, practical needs of your newborn.
- Answering your questions of how to establish realistic feeding and sleeping schedules for your baby.
- Assisting you with breastfeeding concerns, and providing you with tips on latching and positioning so you can successfully breastfeed.
- Assisting you with suggestions on bottle-feeding, formulas, the use of breast pumps, etc., if you decide to bottle/formula feed, or need to supplement your breastfed baby.
- Monitoring weight gain of your baby and providing you with daily logs to monitor baby's progress, all of which are important in watching the healthy development of your newborn.
- Overcoming any sense of inadequacy which can easily come from unrealistic expectations or fears during those early weeks and months after baby arrives.
- Offering suggestions on how to handle family tensions that arise, caused by the changes your newborn brings into your lives.
- Other important and helpful topics

Our advice and solutions are always given to you in a 'gentle' manner, and we can continue to work with you until the problem is resolved.
We offer several packages of pre-scheduled ABC visits, plus an S-O-S ‘emergency’ visit, customized to provide you with exactly the kind of help you need.
All of our ABC Packages include:
- A prenatal 3 to 4 hour personalized visit with a Newborn Care Specialist
- Tips on how to prepare for the hospital
- Nursery tips on how to prepare for your newborn’s arrival and care
- Up-to-date information on the best products to use for you baby’s needs

Our Packages

- One postnatal visit with your newborn care specialist
- Arranged during the prenatal visit
- During baby’s first week at home
- 3 to 4 hours in length
- Lactation and feeding basics
- Umbilical cord care
- Circumcision care
- Baby’s baths and infant massage
- Possible digestive issues that may arise in the first 3 to 5 weeks
- Head positioning
- Any other issues you may want to ask about

- Everything provided with the ABCs Package
- A second personalized visit with your newborn care specialist, 3 to 4 hours in length
- Recommended for Week 3
- Working with baby’s transitioning digestive and nervous systems
- Working towards a healthy sleep routine
- Troubleshooting issues that have arisen
- Detecting and dealing with allergies
- A look ahead to what to anticipate in the upcoming weeks

Our Most Popular!
- Everything provided with the ABCs Plus Package
- A third personalized visit with your newborn care specialist, 3 to 4 hours in length
- Recommended for somewhere between Week 4 and 6
- Establishing baby’s long-term sleep routine
- Preparing for baby’s upcoming developmental milestones

Spoil Yourself!
- Everything provided with the A-to-Z Package
- Plus one night of care and troubleshooting for your newborn, giving you a night off
- Additional nights available, subject to availability

- NOT a pre-scheduled visit, and subject to availability at time of call
- Provides ‘emergency’ help, for diagnosing feeding, sleeping, allergy, and other issues
- Makes available to you our in-home troubleshooting, for challenges or difficulties you and your baby may be encountering.
- Provides you with a “night off,” if you need it
- Priced on an hourly basis, rather than a package price.
- Call the office at (972) 267-8766 for more information on pricing details.
How might you benefit from more than one ABC visit?
Many of the difficulties with newborns are solved through a process of elimination, and not always resolved on the first try. The additional visits, and our interaction with you and your baby, allow us to observe what is going on, and then share the pertinent secrets we have used successfully over the years, to provide you with the tools that are best suited to your baby’s needs.
Our advice and solutions are always given to you in a 'gentle' manner.
Call Baby Coming Home Today at (972) 267-8766
for more information about our ABC Services

The flexibility of Baby Coming Home’s ABC Services enables you to schedule visits when they are best for you.
- Contact us by clicking here or at (972) 267-8766 with your information, various appointment options, the length of time you anticipate needing for our ABC Services and various call times, and we will return your call to make arrangements.
- The ABC Services Fee, determined by the package you choose, will be invoiced to you by email, and will be due in 10 days from the billing date.